Because documentary checks are very time consuming for the quality teams at the end of the batch, Courbon Software has created CiiDOC, a light solution allowing to take a step towards the digitization of the batch file.
CiiDOC makes it possible to transform the batch folder usually used by the company into a smart document in which the different operators fill in the information to be recorded in complete security.
It is possible to fill in numerical information, check boxes, comments, text but also to integrate a photo directly into the document or to acquire a measurement directly on an instrument.
Those responsible for carrying out the checks can identify at a glance the information that is not in conformity or missing so that the situation can be easily corrected.
CiiDOC details the manufacturing process to ensure it is efficient, successful, and compliant.
Those involved in the process have accurate instruction on things like maintenance, product components preparation, and quantities, among other things.
Batch Manufacturing Records enable manufacturers to manage the different production methods required for each kind of product. Dietary supplements and tablets follow a different process and have different requirements from an injectable drug, for example.
Because of these variations in the manufacturing process, it’s important to understand the key components that go into making the perfect BMR.
When you combine the information collected during the manufacturing process with data from the rest of the company, you unlock the potential that all of that data contains. By analyzing all of this combined data, it becomes possible to find operational efficiencies that can help streamline the manufacturing process, reduce costs, and help eliminate human error.
With an EBR CiiDOC system, manufacturers can create dynamic connections between enterprise systems, data sources, processes and people for a holistic view of production and quality data, manufacturers can extend their existing disconnected ERP, MRP, MES and QMS to the shop floor and eliminate issues relating to data entry, data integrity and data visibility.
For example, when a manufacturer digitally integrates its batch records with an ERP or MRP, operators on the shop floor can enter production data directly into tablets and pull materials or work order information directly from the ERP or MRP. By digitally integrating batch records with an MES, manufacturers can share equipment information between the batch record and the MES.
Meanwhile, digitally integrating batch records, manufacturers link their standard operating procedures (SOPs) and work instructions to the batch record to ensure operators always use the current versions. Manufacturers with a fully connected EBR system can automatically launch and enforce training on the production line, so workers never complete a task without complying with training requirements. Integrating an EBR system with a quality system also lets operators launch deviations directly from the batch record to ensure in-line quality assurance without interruption. Completion of the deviation form can be required before a batch record can be released. And with review-by-exception functionality, an EBR system can easily identify for quality which processes fall outside of acceptable limits in real time.
CiiDOC reduces causes of reworks, errors in documentation, missing entries